Vendor Assistance
Transactional readiness review
Management teams looking to divest will want to optimise the outcome of this decision but manage the potential time consuming preparation for sale. We will work with you to compliment your existing skills and resource and help you address the challenges prior to and during the disposal process.
Separation planning and implementation
Investors increasingly expect a greater degree of information before committing their own resources and capital to a sale.
We can help ensure that your vendor due diligence reports provide a consistent sales message, whilst maintaining a robust and independent view which will instil confidence in the potential buyers.
Data room support
Working closely with your team, we will help to identify and resolve issues in the divestment process and provide vendor assistance which will enable you to retain control of the process and reduces disruption to the existing business.
It's OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket.
Elon Musk